Thursday, June 28, 2007


Hmm... I have a random question...
Why do guys put their hands in their pockets all the time? XD

Monday, June 25, 2007

Great New Invention

Found this video about a new technology coming in the future!!

Enjoy!! ^^;; it's sooooo awesome :D

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Japanese Practice 1

日本語 一

私は しょうてんで あかいワイシャツを 今日かった。(Watashi wa shooten de okaishiiyatsu wo kyouni katta.) [actually it's the other day..but yeah]

私は しようてんで かわいいくつを 今日 かった。(Watashi wa shooten de kawaiikutsu wo kyouni katta.)