Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hey hey!! It's ME!! wheee!

har har !! well I gotz a new laptop!!

:O yeah i know im spoiled =P
buuuuut yeaaaah. I went to class today! I had to memorize my song!
but I did for like . 90% of it!! ^^;; soo..har har
i went to see the Pirates of the Carribean movie on wednesday!!
whoo!! that movie is soooooooooooooo much funn!!1
it was soo funny! Jack is just soooo funny n cute!!
and I love Orlando Bloom he's soo hansome!!! ( I wantz to marry him!!) JK!! XP

heh anyway yeah.. just my random stuffies !! hehe
and we still haven't sold our old house yet D: sooo ebil!! lolz

ahah nah.. anyways ima go now b4 i start saying things that dun make any sence!!