Heeey!! O_O;;
*takes a deep breath, lets it out then falls into her bed* o-o im back!!
i was in Taipei the last 2 weeks. It was lots of fun. i took a lot of pictures too! ^_^;;
I can't believe my dad got a flat screen tv
<.< that lil sneak. but it was fun watching it anyway.
I sort of miss the ppl in Taiwan. I would really love to live there. but if i don't have money, i would have to live w/ my dad. Which im not so sure about.
i wish i could stay there. but i gtg to school here. and some of my friends are here too.
but yeah.. the weather was sooo hot in taiwan.. x.x. it was like an oven! O_O
i took the granola car across the moutains. the trees are a beautiful, lush green color! So amazing. It was so peaceful and quiet. o-o there are some ppl who live in old houses, i wonder how do they keep away from all the mosquitoes.
When I was about to enter 1st grade, I had to move to america, (where i am now) because my mom told me to study in america. Which i think is nice, but it's rather big. and everywhere we go, we'll have to drive. but we are sort of in the moutain area. soooo it is a lot more peaceful. than living in the apartments in the city of Taipei.
Taipei and the US both has its good parts! I thought Taipei is a lot nicer now than 10 years ago. Of course it's too hot in the summer!
Daddy is a nice person when he's not drunk. He loves us very much!! We should go back to Taiwan more often to see him.
well yeah.. mom says to go back in the fall time and just take summer classes >.>" but i dunno XD
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