Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I got this email today!! kyaaah!! I'm nervous! I never got a job b4!! x.x This is from my college's bookstore! o-o;

I am writing to you in response to the employment application you submitted to the Palomar College Bookstore. I would like to share some facts about the positions we have available. We are hiring part time, temporary employees for the Fall Rush to cashier, help students find books, or work with online orders. The starting pay is $7.50 an hour. Please call me as soon as possible, so we can set up an interview time.

Carisa D. Lynch
Assistant Manager II
Palomar College Bookstore
(760)744-1150 x2220

Progress: I've called them today, (Thursday) and I've set up a schedual for the interview!! Wish me luck! :D

Progress II: Well, I went to the interview, it was actually kind of nice, because, I thought we had to go to a small office room and there be, a table, two chairs, me and the interviewing lady/gent. But all we did was just go to the back end of the store so it was ok. Anyway, she asked me about if im good with math, if i like to read, checked my fall semester schedual. etc. etc. It was really brief, but she said, she'll call me again and i would need to bring my passport & or my ID. Which I need to get from the DMV. XD o-o;; And the 2nd time is to have an interview with the Board of Directors of the store.. (i think it's called).


Chrissy said...

Hi!! OMG, I didn't see your post until now! That is so great!!
First of all I would like to say that you did 50% of your work by applying for a job!! Congratulations.
Dress presentably and stay calm at the interview! Try to think of before hand what kind of questions they are going to ask you. Ex. are you hardworking? Are you always on time? Are you good at math? (like if you are handling the cashiers).
Good luck to you and don't forget to smile. I hope you get the job!!


WendyJean said...

Hey sis!! Thanks a lot
I did the 1st interview today.
like I told her about the scheduals and that I read some books, I'm pretty good with math. I told her it's my first time working soo yeah.
