Saturday, September 23, 2006


ok so on thursday, I had to go to a outdoor museum for my photo class.
yeah it was interesting! lots of old steam n engine machines and things. XD
Well, maybe when i stop being lazy i'll post up the pictures. I had to go there to take pictures anyway! ^^

*listening to: Spitz - Mahou no Kotoba PV Music Video* (Honey n Clover Movie theme) XD
I also watched the Yui - Life Music Video! it was neat! I thought the song was soo mee! hahahha ^___^ I can't wait for the H&C Live Movie to come out^.^ and the Conan one as well w00t!

anyway im soo attached to Spitz.. since they played music for H&C!! I love H&C!! heheh
yeahh.. anyway .. me bbl woot!

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

Hi! I wanna see them pictures :D U should get a flickr account.