Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I went to photo class today, I actually developed my roll of negatives!!
sweet! <3
and it looks awesome!

oh yeah on my way back home, I got a free ride from my bus driver. Lol! he said it's National Pirate day! >.>' he even tried to get the passingers to act like Pirates! yarrgh!
xD I guess he's bored. Sooo my point is, we all got a free ride from him. He's such a nice guy. He even called me an artist. XD makes me feel special!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I went to school today, only to find out that our school had a bomb threat today. I couldn't believe it. I thought our school was a safe place. I heard that someone was running around with a gun, or someone had a bomb on campus.

When I arrived, the students were asked to stand outside at the football field. There I met a few of my friends. Some of the students left the school, some had to stay because their cars were parked at a certain parking lot, so they couldn't get to it. I learned all of this news from my friend. There were 5 police cars checking around the school. Well, my friends and I decided to leave the school, so we walked to the side of the school, had to climb over the fence, and walk to my friends parking lot. Yes, I know that's kind of awkward, but ridding with my friend at the time, is probably better than ridding the bus home.

Anyway, I did call mom right after hearing the news, just so that she knows. But I hope the school is fine, and nobody got hurt.

Monday, September 03, 2007

It sure is hot!

how is everyone doing in this heat..
@_@ I hope you all are doing ok, don't die out there. D:
Today my Mom and I went to the mall, it was soooo crowded, and full people! and and.. o-o It was sooooo hot! eep!! I think it's like 101 F or something. :O The Nordstrom Cafe was all lined up with people waiting to order something, and the food court is like full of people too.

It was like an oven outside. I wonder how the animals like the birds survive outside. D: Anyway, at the mall, mom wanted to find one of those heavy iron pots so we got one. It's suppose to make the food taste better. ^_^ We're going to cook with it tonight, when the weather cools down, we're going to buy some food to cook.

Soo.. I'm planning on going to school tomorrow. Because I have a quiz on Thursday, so yeah, because on Tuesday is only about 2 hours so its ok. But if I don't want to go to dance I guess it's ok.

Ah well, I'm going now. See ya later.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


The other day, I wasn't feeling well, so Mom took me to the hospital emergency and the doctor said I got an ear infection. So I got some medicine to take, to make me feel better. (We have waited my turn for three hours, because there are a bunch of people who got badly injured and the doctor had to take care of them first, before it's my turn).

Yesterday, Mom told me to go buy some lubricant to stop the sqeaking of the garage door. Then today, we tried it and it still squeaked. Mom's master bathroom got some cracks between the tiles, so we got some sealer to hopefully seal it up.

The doctor told me to take the medicine for 10 days, so hopefully I can go to school next week. Mom said from now on, I need to sleep early and get up early, so Mom won't get mad.

(yes, from now on, I shall write in pink xD)